The Landscape of Home

We started work on the Ash Barn landscape in October 2019 with a species rich sowing of native wildflowers around the boundary and out of the way of the main building works. This is really its first summer of being somewhat established.

Into the varying soil profiles we have planted and further seeded European perennials to enhance the wild and exuberant nature of this tended habitat. The aim is symbiotically link the surrounding hinterland of native woodlands and scrub with a fireworks display of ecologically appropriate plants in a mildly domestic setting.

The blend of textures and forms as well as mutualistic support of European insects, funghi and other biota is the web that underpins how the garden will develop over the coming years and underpins our thinking of how to create rich plantings in various settings.

We look forward to showing you more as new areas recently recovered from rubble spring forth with this vision.

Speak soon | Toby.


The Wendling Beck Exemplar Project


The Difference of a Day - 3rd February 2021