Devon's First Habitat Bank - Puddington Moor

Since the new year we have been working with the Environment Bank to create the first strategic habitat bank in Devon. An restoration offset to land currently being destroyed by building houses.

In 2020 we purchased Puddington Moor, a 25 acre field at the top of a highly polluted catchment. A field so battered by the growing of intensive swedes that even 2 years later there is still bare soil, which is so compacted it burns off in only 4-5 days of sunny weather.

However, the power of natural restoration is strong and slowly but surely the land, with plenty of help from us, has begun to respond. This autumn we spread 30 round bales of species rich hay from a friend called Luke Hext, who has the most amazing culm meadows. Grassland full of Sneezewort, Devils Bit Scabious, Southern Marsh Orchid, whose seed is in the green hay, is now all over Puddington, waiting for the perfect moment this winter to germinate and begin restoring the soil.

Here is a video that we shot with the Environment Bank highlighting the work to do, the work we’ve done and the potential benefits of using biodiversity net-gain to provide an income as the land restores. In time we will be able to carry more cattle on the farm, whose beef, raised on wildflowers, trees and funghi will deliver significant benefits to all who eat it. A circle of life so finely tuned by nature but ignored by us for so long.

Enjoy the video and see you soon. Toby


Sophie at Digg and Co. - A year in the field.


WBEP - Update 2