Sophie at Digg and Co. - A year in the field.

I am delighted to be part of the Digg & Co team working on ecologically designed projects. Having joined one year ago as a landscape architecture student, I thought I’d share some of my favourite experiences.

Working part time at Digg & Co during my masters gave me a rich understanding of my dissertation subject on the landscape architect’s role in regenerative agriculture. This was due to the atypical days on the farm and in the studio and speaking with the wider multidisciplinary community of people visiting and supporting the projects. The self-employed aspect meant there was a lot of flexibility if the dissertation writing was flowing more or if the studio project work increased.

Each day we all make sure to take a break from the desk to see what new growth is happening outside, to explore the different habitats on the farm and to discover new routes across the fields. It is definitely a highlight when Louis comes to the farm as this is the best way to learn about all the interactions species have with each other and their environment. We believe there are no better design inspirations for the projects we are working on than from the real-life examples outside, and of course there is also cow spotting…

Toby and Bella helped me to move very comfortably from city life to rural life by providing accommodation as and when needed so that the transition to this new lifestyle happened smoothly. The day-to-day environment is inclusive to all and there are endless opportunities to soak in new understandings of regenerative farming and holistic principles through conversations around the kitchen table, through access of the large library of wildlife resources and through the on-the-ground experiences on the farm (or even from the new studio roof!).

Enjoyable Digg & Co moments include passing by stretching dogs, chasing puppies who are chasing Bella and Toby and cooking the incredible beef from the farm whilst camping on the farm.

One day we made made over 100 litres of apple juice whilst another evening we all went to the local restaurant for a 6 course beef tasting night. Toby and Bella jumped between the dinner tables explaining how the beef had come from their farm and the evening became a celebration of the work the cows are doing in restoring the land. With cows, comes great plant diversity and more opportunities to see beautiful flowers on the farm.

My intention whilst writing my dissertation was to show that Landscape Architects have a key role to play by better orientating horticulture practices and farming methods and contributing towards improved ecological design. I’ve learnt at Digg&Co that Landscape Architects do not simply have the skills to improve the landscapes that link humanity to nature, they also have a moral duty to enhance a far closer connection to the core ecological principles of ecosystem theory. This year I have realised that policy standards need increasing so as to cut back on globally damaging practices. I now am very grateful to be a part of a team achieving this through holistically designed projects leading by example.

P.S. I now work as a landscape architect for Digg & Co., where the journey continues. :)


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Devon's First Habitat Bank - Puddington Moor