New arrivals

As the last of the summer swallows leave Mill Barton Farm for their long journey south, new life has arrived on the farm in the form of beautiful calves. Bella and Toby’s days are filled with early starts and late evenings, checking on the herd. Old matriarchs and young heifers alike are eagerly watched for signs of who will give birth.

Then suddenly, within a hour or so, there is a young calf, standing there in the field on its own four legs. With each passing hour it grows stronger, nourished by its mother, who herself is nourished by the rich and diverse grassland underfoot. It is heartwarming to see this herd of cattle of all different ages welcome their new members. It is not just calves that grow stronger, but the herd as a whole.

This year, one of the cows unfortunately lost her calf, born backwards, it sadly passed. However, from this bitter situation, a sweet outcome has arisen. The milk that usually strengthen the calves now strengthens the community that has grown here, around the farm. These wonderful creatures are not just strengthening themselves, but also our community here in Mid-Devon.

This is the ever present ebb and flow of life on a farm, constant growth and decay that comes with the passing seasons. We look forward to watching these calves grow in the coming years.


Raising and Selling Beef on the farm


Sophie at Digg and Co. - A year in the field.